Top 5 Reasons People Come in For Acupuncture
Surprisingly, acupuncture treatments are relatively pain free despite of using needles. The National Institute of Health considers acupuncture safe when performed by an experienced practitioner using sterile needles.
Acupuncture is a holistic health technique that originates from Traditional Chinese Medicine practices in which trained practitioners insert needles on specific points into the skin. The use of acupuncture is rising steadily in the U.S over the past several decades.
Learning how all the instruments are used when performing acupuncture can take a while. It is recommended to receive acupuncture from a Licensed Acupuncturist and from a nationally-accredited school or college of acupuncture. New York College of Health Professions has the certification and licensing requirements set out by the appropriate regulatory bodies.
The top 5 reasons for choosing acupuncture are:
Acupuncture can be used to offset stress: If the stress is neglected it can cause disorder on our bodies and minds, resulting in ailments ranging from digestive and distress, chronic pain, allergies, blood pressure, anxiety and fatigue etc. If you perform acupuncture it can help you to get relief from these problems and release stress.
Back Pain: One of the biggest pain issue faced by people of all age is back pain. People working for long hours in office, carrying heavy luggage through the city, sitting in cubicles without moving much are left with pain and suffering. They need to go through acupuncture to get relief from these pains.
Anxiety and Depression: Many of the patients suffering from anxiety look for healing modality that helps them address their anxiety and depression without medication. Acupuncture has some incredible points to address the Spirit and the Heart and treat the problem of restlessness and depression.
Fertility: According to the studies, IVF acupuncture can increase the worth of in-vitro fertilization. Acupuncture not only reduces stress, but also increases the number of follicles produced and decrease the side effects of IVF medications. Acupuncture helps prepare the uterus and the female reproductive system.
Digestive issues: The body has many ways to tell you that things are not digesting properly. Acupuncture will help to treat digestive problems. Abnormal consistency of poops is a sign that one needs to go for acupuncture treatment.
Furthermore, acupuncturists are trained to treat the root cause of the problem and not only the symptom.
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